I am joining up with Mama Kat at Mama's Losin It today for her writers workshop. Read about that here.
I chose the prompt
1. Baby fever is in the air. Describe what you would do differently as a first time mom.
This really got me thinking. What would I have done differently? Would I have done anything differently? Did I act differently as a first time mother than I did with subsequent children?
All I know for sure is that my own mother was completely panicked when she came to help me for the first two weeks. If fact she told me on one occasion she thought she might have to take my new sweet baby home with her. I'm not going to lie as a 28 year old I completely lost it as a first time mom. I had lost my freedom, my ability to think clearly, and I thought my life had ended. Little did I know my life had only begun.
So what would I have done differently?
I would have fed my poor growing starving boy A LOT more. I wouldn't have let a pediatrician tell me that he only needed to eat "x" amount of ounces every so many hours. I wouldn't have felt bad about supplementing with formula. (Have you noticed how big he is??) I would have trusted MY own mothering instincts over those of others.
I did actually figure all of these things out, but it took me a few months. Once I realized my husband and I were completely capable of raising another human I was fine.
He looks like he is happy right? He was and so was I.
Things I wish I would have known before I became a mother....
Well there are too many to list, but I would have listened more closely when everyone said it would go fast. I wish I would have known how tired I was going to be all the time. I wish I would have know that would be my new reality. I am glad I did it and I don't have one regret. In fact if I had to do it over again... you know I would.
And see he survived..... (and so did his sisters)
Want to join in visit Mama Kat and link up. Then come back and discuss motherhood in my blogfrog community.

I chose the prompt
1. Baby fever is in the air. Describe what you would do differently as a first time mom.
This really got me thinking. What would I have done differently? Would I have done anything differently? Did I act differently as a first time mother than I did with subsequent children?
All I know for sure is that my own mother was completely panicked when she came to help me for the first two weeks. If fact she told me on one occasion she thought she might have to take my new sweet baby home with her. I'm not going to lie as a 28 year old I completely lost it as a first time mom. I had lost my freedom, my ability to think clearly, and I thought my life had ended. Little did I know my life had only begun.
So what would I have done differently?
I would have fed my poor growing starving boy A LOT more. I wouldn't have let a pediatrician tell me that he only needed to eat "x" amount of ounces every so many hours. I wouldn't have felt bad about supplementing with formula. (Have you noticed how big he is??) I would have trusted MY own mothering instincts over those of others.
I did actually figure all of these things out, but it took me a few months. Once I realized my husband and I were completely capable of raising another human I was fine.
He looks like he is happy right? He was and so was I.
Things I wish I would have known before I became a mother....
Well there are too many to list, but I would have listened more closely when everyone said it would go fast. I wish I would have known how tired I was going to be all the time. I wish I would have know that would be my new reality. I am glad I did it and I don't have one regret. In fact if I had to do it over again... you know I would.
And see he survived..... (and so did his sisters)
Want to join in visit Mama Kat and link up. Then come back and discuss motherhood in my blogfrog community.