Peyton got tagged so here goes..
At three weeks she went to Disneyland for the first time!! What a brave mom I was. She slept the whole time; almost, I think I had to feed her once. She got her first teeth at 10 weeks old. She had her first Birthday in our then new house in Utah.

She loves to dress up. I get a kick out of it so I always try to catch a picutre of it. She is very social and is always talking about her girls and although she loves her brother she really doesn't want anything to do with any other boys. (I am enjoying this knowing it will not last forever)

Her hair is REALLY long as you can see in this picutre. But you would never know it because of all her awesome natural curl. She told me this day "Mom I want my hair like yours, straight". She is full of energy and can be a bully at times but she is sweet and always has hugs and kisses for everyone in her family. She gives her Grandpa Blood a hard time and tries to boss him around but all he does is laugh at her and then she gets even more frustrated.

She is such a special part of our family. We love you Peyps. (She has several nicknames as well)
I don't know who to tag so we will say Paisley Blood, Carrin Nelson, and Julia Basinger if you haven't already been done!!
Thanks, I just wanted to return the kindess.